Orgelpark Research Reports Vol. 4
The Orgelpark is a concert venue in Amsterdam; its aim is to integrate the organ into musical life in general. The Orgelpark initiated the Orgelpark Research Program in 2008. The Orgelpark Research Reports are published in cooperation with the Chair of Organ Studies at VU University Amsterdam. The Orgelpark Foundation established the Chair in 2010. Orgelpark Research Report #4 is dedicated to the Van Straten Organ at the Orgelpark. The Van Straten Organ was built in 2012. It represents an informed interpretation of the original state of the organ that Peter Gerritsz built in the Nicolaïkerk at Utrecht in 1479. This Blokwerk organ still exists, be it in a significantly changed state. In the past few years the Orgelpark organized colloquia and an international symposium to discuss several aspects of the Van Straten Organ and the Gerritsz Organ. Orgelpark Research Report #4 contains extended versions of selected lectures presented on these occasions. The essays by Kimberly Marshall, Harald Vogel, and Manfred Novak include recordings of the Van Straten Organ.