Walking in a Widening World
In his almost forty-year career as a theologian, emeritus profeesor Hendrik M. Vroom has become an intelligent observer and authority in the field of religious diversity. For more than a century Western theology has been exposed to rigorous criticism, while granting space to other worldview traditions. What was once common has lost its self-evidence, leading to intriguing questions. Do theistic religions worship the same God? Do religions have “the same” morality? Do they accept “the same” rules for accounting what one believes? And as our world becomes more pluralistic as religions change and affect each other, how can their followers be certain about their beliefs and moralities? These are stimulating and essential questions for anyone interested in the phenomenon of religion.
Prof. dr. em. Hendrik M. Vroom was professor in philosophy of religion at VU University Amsterdam. He has been co-ordinator of the research group encounter of traditions, now the Amsterdam Centre for Cultural and Religious Diversity.
This publication is part of the important AmSTaR-series, the Amsterdam Studies in Theology and Religion, peer-reviewed publications of VU University Press in co-operation with VISOR and the Faculty of Thelogy of Vu University.